Blogs I Love

I'm constantly discovering new blogs, but the thing that makes me love a blog and become a regular reader, rather than a one-time visitor, is a special something that's hard to pin down.  It might be gorgeous photographs, it might be fashion or interiors that match my own tastes.  More often, it's about the 'voice' behind the blog.  My favourite blogs tend to be fairly like my own - slightly rambly at times, full of opinion, but always authentic.  

Five years of blogging has given me the most wonderful opportunities; not to get free stuff or to work with brands (although that has occasionally happened), but to connect with people who have immeasurably enriched my life. Some of my favourite bloggers are now my actual, in-real-life friends and whether I'm hanging out with them in 'real' life or just on Twitter, it's always a huge amount of fun.  And that's what I've always loved about blogging: the sense of community, of reaching out to people through a screen and finding common ground.

Laura's blog, Make Do & Mend, was one of the very first I started reading and I still find her posts about films, craft, zine-making, photography, travels and Nottingham life as interesting and fun to read as I did six years ago.

Leicester bloggers Elle & Becca have recently started a new project, The Weekend Collective, which is chock full of foodie inspiration, weekend fun and travel tips.

Other bloggers whose posts I always feel excited to read, and apologies if I've forgotten someone, include:

Elise & Life
Gaelle's Journal
Kezzie AG
Lucy In The Clouds

World Of Joy

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