Sunday, 19 February 2017

Photo An Hour: Saturday 18th February

Saturday was Photo An Hour day for February, as arranged by Louisa and Jane. It turned out to be a day of pottering about at home, getting jobs done, reading, and a big gap in the evening when I forgot to take photos. Weirdly, February 2016's Photo An Hour was not all that different! Must be something about this time of year...
I'm tending to sleep so late at weekends at the moment, I'm not sure why. At half nine I'd been awake for a short while and had picked up my book - Uprooted by Naomi Novik - to read before breakfast.
What weekends are made for - leisurely breakfasts with a magazine, instead of rushing about like a mad thing trying to get ready for work.
This little cat is so silly. Despite yawning fulsomely, she just won't go to sleep. I think she has a severe case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), as any day that we're in the house she really struggles to nap, instead following us from room to room to keep an eye on our activities.
I went to the garden centre yesterday, as our hanging baskets and pots were looking very sad and brown after a long winter. Half an hour with the trowel, and everything's looking a lot better.
In an attempt to earn a bit of extra money, I'm doing some proof-reading work. This is a frankly incomprehensible PhD thesis, but really well-written so it's turning out to be easy to edit.
And she's finally asleep!
Working on an IKEA hack. I think I'll write a post about this soon, it's been such a fun and easy project.
I walked into town (stopping to chat to a friend on the way) and made a beeline for Oxfam to have a look at their book selection, before returning some bits at H&M and buying a new pair of jeans (which I need to return, as apparently I am now taller and the 30" leg jeans are too short).
Strictly speaking, at 5.30 I was browsing in Waterstones, but I figured two photos in a row of bookshelves would be a bit dull. I've been racking up points on my Waterstones card for quite some time now, and finally decided to spend some: I got this and a Holly Bourne novella.
Date night, and our first-choice pub was rammed so we went to Firebug instead. Vegan pie for Thomas, nachos for me, cider for both of us.
Still in the pub.
Home two hours later, and Missy was so happy to see us that she came and hung out on the bed with us (a rare occurrence, she doesn't usually like it if we're both in bed - she prefers having a full side to herself).


  1. Missy is so adorable! I love how expressive her little face is in your Instagram photos!

    1. Her face always makes me laugh, she's such a serious little cat!

  2. Sounds like a good Saturday :)

    1. I It was a very nice - a bit predictable, considering it was basically the same day as last February, but sometimes predictable is good!

  3. I love how everyone's photo an hour posts are littered with cats and reading :)

  4. Looks like a lovely day. And I love your calendar! Nice to see Missy so happy, too. Pippa loves being in bed with both of us; she's quite affectionate & doesn't know who to go to when we're both there.

    1. That's so sweet! Missy much prefers having a whole empty side to stretch out on, it's rare she gets onto the bed and stays there if we're both in bed.

  5. Loving the Missy photos!! I keep forgetting about Photo An Hour, argh!!!

  6. I always love the glimpses of your beautiful home! You are an excellent curator and decorator!
    I love hearing of Missy's exploits, new activities and her particular idiosyncracies!!! Bookshelves are ALWAYS appreciated!

  7. Spring flowers make everything better! I would like to try photo an hour someday, although remembering to take pictures on weekend mornings would be hard for me/I am a zombie before coffee! Missy seems to miss you a lot when you are gone! :-) Also I fancy a leisurely pub visit now!
