Sunday, 29 January 2017

Photo An Hour: Saturday 28th January

Sunday was the official Photo An Hour day this month, as arranged by Louisa and Jane. However, Sunday was the day I'd designated for pyjamas and sofa and not much else, so in an attempt to get vaguely interesting pictures I did mine on Saturday (together with a handful of others).

Last January I went to Nottingham with Thomas for shopping, vegan pizza and cider. This year my day involved heroic levels of procrastination, blogging, a 50th birthday party, and lots of vegan food (some things never change!).
Wow, I slept SUPER late! We went to see La La Land last night (opinion - did not enjoy it very much. I love musicals but the oh-so-clever ironic detachment of it really turned me off. I did love the end sequence though, which was beautiful) followed by the pub, doing that thing where you go for "a" drink and roll home 4 hours later. So I needed to catch up on my sleep!
Making vegan pancakes for brunch. This recipe is so easy: just flour, sugar, baking powder & a pinch of salt, plus water and vegetable oil, mixed to make a batter. We ate them with slices of banana, in an attempt to be healthy, plus syrup of course.
Ah isn't procrastination grand? What I should be doing today is working on my application for a Masters in Gender Studies. But I urgently needed to rearrange my kids & YA shelves in colour order.
Exchanging bookshelves for supermarket shelves. Our local Morrisons has such a brilliant range of vegan frozen foods, it makes shopping so much easier to not have to go into town to health food stores to get Frys stuff (FYI, their peppered steak-style pies are immense with mashed potato).
Got home from the supermarket to find the postie had been, and delivered this most wonderful card from my brother. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

Still procrastinating by catching up on blogging. Which is also on my to-do list for the weekend, to be fair.
Missy's absolute favourite game at the moment is to watch the wall of the office while we make shadow puppets, which she then endeavours to catch. Sitting in front of the wall is is her oh-so-subtle way of telling me that she wants to play.
Still. So. Much. To. Do. I can't be the only person who writes completed tasks on a To-Do list, simply for the pleasure of ticking them off, can I?
An earlier-than-usual dinner. I listened to Craig Charles' Funk & Soul Show on 6Music as I got everything ready.
Getting ready to go out. I'm designated driver for tonight's 50th birthday party in a village south of Leicester. And yeah, I literally only have one winter going out outfit - if you follow me on Instagram you'll have seen this quite a few times before!
At the party. As it's a guy I used to work with, there were lots of old colleagues there and it was fun seeing them all and catching up with everyone.
Finally home from the party and feeling exhausted, but I had this little furface to greet me so it's not all bad.


  1. Love your pics. Missy is quite the character! The (awesome) card reminds me of Tom Gauld. Having a pyjama day myself!

    1. That's who it reminded me of! Thank you, it was really bugging me!! Pyjama days are the best, aren't they? They're becoming almost a weekly occurrence, but I figure that's what winter's for.

  2. Your procrastination skills are as good as mine, colour coding the book shelves, genius! Thanks for letting me know about the illustrator on Instagram.

    1. And then on Sunday I did the rest of the shelves - and no application! Oh dear.

  3. Wow, I'm so ashamed... you think 10am is super late to get up. That's the time I always set my alarm for on weekends :-/

    Your books look pretty arranged by colours, but having different sized ones sticking up in the middle would drive me mad!

    1. I used to be a SUPER late riser (11am was an early start, 3pm by preference) but years of getting up at 6am for work have skewed my body clock.

  4. I enjoyed your day. Was fun to see such pretty photos of your home and endeavours, esp book shelves and Missy!!!

    1. Book shelves and Missy are pretty much my favourite things in my home!

  5. Missy staring at the wall waiting patiently is so cute, Socks just gets in my face.

    1. Haha isn't it?! To be fair, she's an incredibly patient cat - her method of getting most things is just to sit and wait while staring.

  6. I'm always in favour of procrastination instead of work. Yesterday I built flatpack furniture rather than analysing some Year 6 data. Also, that cat card is brilliant!

    1. Flatpack is always good procrastination because if anyone asks, it's genuinely productive!

      Isn't it brilliant?! I need the whole range.

  7. Always fab to see your lovely house and Missy ofcourse! I really like your Winter outfit.x

  8. Argh your house is so gorgeous, always love your photo an hour posts :)

  9. I almost did it on Saturday but saw the email saying it was Sunday so thought I'd go for the official day instead. Plus, it has been an age since I last took part in photo an hour.

    Oh I haven't had pancakes in ages! I still use that recipe you sent me AGES ago. It's still a winner! I think I might make pancakes for tea tonight... hmm, good idea.

    But the shelf looks so pretty now! It was definitely worth it!

    Oh I am so jealous of your Fry's options! I wish we had more here in Belgium but nope... we do have Gardein though and that's a pretty tasty brand.

    1. Compared to when I first met Thomas, when all the decent vegan 'meat' was in Europe, things are SO good here now. I don't know if you can get stuff from the Vegetarian Butcher in Belgium but they're based in Den Haag in NL and their stuff is incredible. Also we used to get the best vegan 'chicken' from a Chinese supermarket in Nijmegen, NL, and have never seen it outside of the Netherlands, so might be worth investigating if you have a Chinese supermarket in Leuven. As you can probably tell, we are BIG fans of fake meats, haha!

  10. I need a radio in my life, stat! We don't have Morrison's in Aberdeen anymore :-( I tend to have one going out outfit too, yours is super cute - are those the Topshop jeans? :-)
