Sunday, 20 November 2016

Photo An Hour: Saturday 19th November

Miraculously, I managed to remember Photo An Hour for the third month in a row, which I think might be a record. Last November's Photo An Hour chronicled my failed attempt to get to a clothes swap in Sheffield, and hanging out with my mums in Leeds.

This month's once again fell on a weekend that Thomas was away. I had plans with my friend Leanne - a day out in Rugby, purely because neither of us had ever been before and it's only 30 minutes down the A426 from Leicester - followed by an evening of Strictly and cheese-based snacks.
One thing that makes me smile about following the #photoanhour hashtag on Instagram is how similar most of our days look: between 7.30 and 9.30 in the morning, there are always a plethora of tea-and-a-book photographs. Here's mine - I was finishing up Matt Haig's The Girl Who Saved Christmas (not a patch on A Boy Called Christmas, sadly).
Despite having already had her breakfast, Missy was convinced that she was owed more food. Her ploy to get it? Bringing me her little pink mouse as a gift, and then staring at me very hard with big sad eyes.
Getting dressed to go out, and worrying that Leanne wouldn't recognise me without stripes or navy blue. Not even any polka dots! But I at least have my trusty crochet collar on this new-to-me mustard yellow Topshop dress.
Before heading out I needed to ask Leanne's advice about something top-secret. Here's a tiny sneak peek; betcha can't guess what it is.
We stumbled across such a cute shop in Rugby, called The Nest. Filled to the brim with handmade, vintage and vintage-inspired goodies, I couldn't resist buying some fabric and some jewellery.
We went to the Bacco Lounge for lunch, and very nice it was too.
Desperate attempt to thinking of something new to take a photograph of, as we were still in Bacco Lounge!
I don't always have great luck in charity shops when it comes to books (having usually read the vast majority of any interesting looking books already), but the past few days have been great: I found four books on a charity shop binge on Friday and then happened upon a book I've been wanting in Rugby's Oxfam.
Yup, still shopping. Leanne was looking at coats in Debenhams while I snapped this adorable cat-print shirt. Did not buy, however, as I'd already spent far too much.
I've had such a good week for finding cute fabric - this little haul is from a trip to Crafty Sew & So in Leicester earlier in the week, plus the fat quarters I bought in The Nest today (those penguins!). I also found a plus size dress pattern for £1.25 in a charity shop in Rugby, what a bargain!
Photo An Hour always makes me realise how repetitive and predictable my Saturdays are: wake up at half 8, read, cup of tea, do something, then home and fire and pyjamas for the night. Wow, 20s Janet would be ashamed of 30s Janet.
Dinner! And yes, I ate a whole baked Camembert all to myself (the vegan's away, remember). 
Oh dear. Turns out my IBS wasn't impressed with the Camembert. Oops. Instead of a photograph of what I was actually doing at half 8 (no-one wants to see that), here's another from 7.30, when I was watching Strictly and shouting at the judges (Only an 8 for Ore! And 40 for Danny! They have to be joking).
Thomas should be home later, but in the meantime I've made a start on my new book and am very much enjoying the epigraphs.
And ending the day where it began - in bed with a book.

What did your Saturday look like, and did you do Photo An Hour?


  1. I like the idea of photo an hour and think I might take part at some point. The Nest looks like the perfect shop. You seem to be within reach of so many great places in Leicester.

    1. There are some benefits to being right in the middle of England - proximity to pretty countryside is not one, but proximity to lots of towns and cities is.

  2. I don't have Instagram, but my first photo was of a book ;-)

    The Nest looks like a lovely little shop.

    1. It was dangerously lovely - and very affordable, too, which just makes me spend more!

  3. I am so looking forward to being back in the UK for Christmas so I can do a little charity shop hunting for books!

    1. Oh gosh, I'm not sure I could cope with living in a non-English speaking country and therefore not being able to find loads of books secondhand.

  4. My 30s Saturday nights are similar to these (my 20s self would be appalled!) Strictly, candles and a glass of wine is my dream night in. Don't tell anyone but I think I prefer these Saturdays to a night out of heavy drinking having to people in an overcrowded club!

    1. Oh the thought of going out at weekends fills me with dread now, haha!

  5. Being in my 40s ( sob) these nights look like heaven to me too. If we go out its quite often an afternoon down the pub.Can prove dangerous the afternoon can so easily mean we get in lateish anyway and tea has been chilli nuts and bacon fries! Love your mirror photo.

    1. What?! You are never in your 40s?! Wow you look so much younger!

      We definitely fall prey to the afternoon pub visit - "just one drink" becomes and eight hour session with no proper meals.

  6. I love these, I have no idea if I would be able to remember to take a picture an hour though - do you set a timer? I am having an evening to myself tomorrow and am plotting what lazy thing I can eat for dinner (cheese and bread sounds awesome!) preferably while bingeing all of the Gilmore Girls Revival - rock-n-roll! ;-)

    1. Happy Thanksgiving! And yes, cheese and bread is an awesome dinner-for-one, I thoroughly recommend it (plus if you chuck in enough crudités you can convince yourself it's vaguely healthy, too!)

  7. MMm, camenbert but I am sorry it caused you issues!!! Love that cat shirt! I almost bought the bee one in Primark but decided I wouldn't. They were nice though!x

    1. From what I can gather, the bee shirts shrink in the wash so we made the right decision not buying them!

  8. I forgot about Photo an Hour again (mainly because I've forgotten about blogging in general at the moment, but never mind...). My 30s Saturday nights are very similar as well - definitely plenty reading and cheese eating!! I'm now off to check the Debenhams website for cat print stuff :D

    1. Good luck locating it! I'm pretty sure it was in the Mantaray section, if that helps?
